What's new in 2025
Hello! Since there was hardly any time to write anything for this website, I decided to write a quick article about what has been happening with me lately.
Most of my free time have been devoured by exams for my university courses and React website rewriting project for “Group Project”. The exams are over now (I have managed to pass all of them without any retakes) so I can focus on my current goals:
We have a deadline for the “Group Project” website rewrite project. As the code of the current website is a mess, which would be a problem down the line, we have decided to try to rewrite it into something more modern. This is not an easy task (especially since I with Nasus are the only ones in the team with any experience whatsoever with frontend and most of it does not involve React) so it takes quite a lot of time. Fortunately it’s a great opportunity to learn something new and hone my frontend skills.
For the project we have decided to utilise most of the tanstack libraries which were a great help. Tanstack Query, Forms and Table were and still are a great help in the project, despite the learning curve and our lack of experience. The frontend is written in React with TypeScript and styled with Tailwind CSS. We have decided not to use any component libraries as we wanted to learn how to write our own components and styles (we still utilise the component libraries as a reference and source of inspiration).
We hope to finish the rewrite of currently existing website by the end of the month and then start working on the new features and bug fixes.
New dashboard VS old one New user management page vs old one -
I have started learning for the Azure Developer certification (AZ-204). As I have already passed the AZ-900 exam, I have decided to go for the developer certification as it is more relevant to my current job and there is a certification program at my company. I have already started learning and I have the exam scheduled for the middle of March. I plan to spend most of my free time between semesters learning and revising for the exam.
I and Nasus have started working on a side project for our university’s cybersecurity club. There is not much to say about it yet as we are still in the planning phase, but if it goes well, I will write more about it in the future.
Thanks to Oracle Cloud’s free tier, I have finally managed to set up RKE2 cluster on my own server. I have been planning to do it for the long time, but I had troubles securing the server to do it on. The cluster is still in the testing phase but I hope to move some of my services to it in the future and practice my Kubernetes skillset.
That’s all for now. Hopefully I will have more time in the future to write more technical articles and tutorials. Stay tuned and happy hacking!